Corrosion resistance and fluid control technology That's TEXEL's Technology.

Horizontal Volute Pump

Products - Corrosion Resistant Pump

Horizontal Volute Pump

Constructed mainly from PVC the Texel Horizontal Volute Pumps are extremely chemical resistant and economical. Whether dealing with small or large flows, semi or highly corrosive substances, these corrosion resistant pumps can efficiently cope with any types of work.

>> Capacity Range

* You can see the product information of the corresponding model by clicking the compatible area of ​​the capacity chart.
GTA Series

GTA Model (Series)

TSU Series

TSU Model (Series)

TSX Series

TSX Model (Series)

NTS Series

NTS Model (Series)

  • Operating Temperature
    0~80 ℃
  • Discharge volume
    20~4,000 L/min
  • Total Head
    12~50 m
  • Motor
    0.4~37 kW
TRF Series

TRF Model (Series)